Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Don't Say Good-bye

Another year has come to an end... one would think that after doing the "graduation thing" two times already it would be getting easier to watch people move on to the next stage of their lives. Easy to be excited for them... knowing they are walking into great things the Lord has planned. Whether it was the fact that I lived on a bus in such close quarters with these people... that this year the Lord taught me a new level of His love... several other reasons, or a combination of all of them... I must admit watching My team, my family, the people who I've done life with for the last year leave........... has been the hardest transition yet. I found myself grasping at every last moment I might have to share with them, regretting all the time I chose to not spend with them, and wishing, that just for one more day, that sad goodbyes could be prolonged....
But here I am, at the beginning of a new adventure, they've all gone on to their new adventures, some goodbyes avoided, but gone all the same. And while I find that a piece of me is "missing" in a way.... I know the Lord is faithful, and HE will fill whatever emptiness or longings I may have. My team.... will always be MY TEAM and no matter what, they will have a special place in my heart. I may not remain best friends with every single person, I may not ever talk to some of them on this earth again....... but man, to think about the party that will happen in heaven when we all get to get back together... some party that's going to be. To share in the triumphs of each others lives, and know if only for a moment, we were a part of those triumphs.

To my team... I miss you! May you never stop relentlessly pursuing the Lord as He is a lion chasing in a Relentless Pursuit after you. (Rachael - play the kitty)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

What to write when the good is gone?

I know it's been longer than I made it sound it would be between when I last wrote and now. I could explain, or excuse, or... I could simply let you in on what my life has looked like since the last time I wrote... and maybe, just maybe, it will make sense all by itself. Have no fear, I'm not going to ramble about what I ate everyday, or how many times I took a trip to Sonic... no, those details seem mundane, and unimportant. What is important... is to see what the Lord is doing. Because after all, wasn't that the original goal? And as a Christian shouldn't that always be my goal?
Now I'm sure at this point you're thinking... the title and this blog... so far they don't go together. Oh, but they do. See life... that thing we all too frequently expect to be a bed of roses... it hasn't been a bed of roses, and I've been trying to find how to appropriately talk about that. Because I could write everything that's going wrong, I could point at people who have hurt me, I could say a lot of things that would be true... but if the truth isn't glorifying to the Lord... there's still a part of the truth that's missing. So yes, the good has been gone, life has been hard, and people have hurt me, but what you write about when the good is gone... is how God is never gone. In my weakness, in my pain, He is there. When the good is gone, you write of His faithfulness. How while things are not good, and it would be easiest to call it quits, to rationalize that going home at this point doesn't matter because the tour is over, THAT is the place where you find the sweet, intimate grace of the Lord that helps you carry on. In the love of the Father, in the love He shows through friends, in the love poured out from the body of Christ... In Christ nothing is impossible.
It may sound trivial, it may sound unbelievable, and in some ways I suppose it is. Because unless you experience it, it is unbelievable. But how beautiful that the grace and love I speak of is available to everyone.
One of my favorite bible characters has always been David, and probably because of the evidence of his humanity throughout his life, and yet, he was a man after God's heart, and was used in the lineage of Jesus. David understood the concept of praise in the storm. He was hunted time and time again, and always sought the Lord's will and the right thing to do. It's so evident throughout the Psalms. And so many times David commanded his soul to bless the Lord.
Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me. That's what you write about when the good is gone. you write about the one great and powerful, almighty, loving, caring, gracious, patient, forgiving, faithful constant in life. Jesus!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Tour is over...

Yes, you read the title right, after 22 cities and 8 months, we've done it. Does it seem real? Not in the least bit. I'm sure it will hit me eventually, just not yet. While I take the time to process what the Lord did this year in my life, my teammates lives, and the roughly 100,000 teens my team ministered to... check out the highlights video for the year.

Relentless Pursuit End of Year Highlights

Monday, April 22, 2013

Finally catching up on my own videos

The rain brings refreshing.... 
Ok, it's not actually raining... but I've got a bum foot, so I've had to slow down and I realize how far behind on sharing I really am. With that being said... here's Richmond....

And... here's a video composing everything since Richmond (since I slacked on taking pictures and didn't want to overwhelm everyone with so many videos)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Over and done

Dallas has happened, the Greater NYC event has happened, and we are on our way to Tampa. It seems crazy how fast things are flying now. We only have three events left before we're on campus for the summer. After Tampa we'll head to Lansing and Baltimore and we're done. It seems crazy to say... I remember when we were only three events in and I couldn't even tell you what the next event was. Now I can list all seven fall events and 11 spring events we've done so far... in order. That's the kind of mark what I'm doing leaves on a person I guess. I've stayed in more strangers homes than I can count, and yet from that I've met some amazing people and had some amazing experiences.
I'd love to write more right now, but I've got to get ready for class and such before heading out on the road again. Keep an eye out for a more detailed look at the most recent events soon!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Catching up

We had another event, and I sit here, overlooking the arena for our next event.
View from the team room... probably the sweetest we've had yet
It seems that so much has happened since the last time I wrote. I've watched the Lord move in my life, and in the lives of those around me. And whether in the big things or the small, it never ceases to amaze me at how faithful He is. There are days I wish I could take everything He's done and somehow find a way to express it all in text, but no words would ever truly convey Him in all His glory. And perhaps that is part of the beauty of it... it is indescribable. The journey of this year truly has been unlike any other. Don't get me wrong... it's not over yet, and I couldn't be happier that I still have time to soak in every moment I have left, but it is very real that my time in this season of my life is coming to a close.
Now those of you reading this from the home audience may be getting a little exciting... thinking this may mean I'm coming home... well, the good news is... it's in the Lord's hands (so if you want to get mad at someone guess it's got to be Him not me)... but that's not the season the Lord is bringing me into either. Right now I'm walking in what the Lord has for me... well, right now. I know that in His timing what comes next will happen, and I know I'll know that it's time.

In less serious news (ok... maybe not less serious, just more fun) I got to reconnect with someone from my childhood while in N.C. A week break for Easter allowed me to go home. And, it was much more exciting having friends along for the ride, as well as hanging out at my house with me.

Well... should probably get back to work, there are things to be done and the hours are ticking away! (not that I have spent hours doing this... but between everything today they are)

Keep a watch for what's to come!

ATF 2013 Winston-Salem Relentless Pursuit Highlights

Check out the highlights from Winston Salem this year!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


So we're in North Carolina, specifically Greenville... the place of my birth. It's rather exciting to be here, however I'm missing out on being able to see a lot of things because my team is in need of financial help. We each have to raise a certain amount of money each month in order to stay in the program, and several people are behind. We are rallying together as a team to raise the funds that people are lacking.
Now I'm sure you're wondering... what is the ministry team... what is it that we do? Well, check out this video to find out more about what we do.

Now that you know a little more about the Ministry Team, let me tell you our need. In order to have the whole team where we need to be, we need $25,000. That is spread across 37 people. I know that number seems large, and you may be thinking "how can anything I do help?" See here's the thing, if we all reach out to everyone we know, and everyone donates even a single dollar, that is still one dollar closer to our goal. And, there is a bonus for you too. All donation are tax deductible.
So I know what's on your mind now. "OK, I want to donate... but how?"
Well I'm glad you asked. Visit our website http://www.honoracademy.com/donate/   from there you can donate online or follow the directions to donate by phone. The ID# is 2674357
In advance, thank you so much for your donation. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Catching up big time...

Well, so much for once a week. Though, I have been having several problems with my computer connecting to the internet as of late... so here I am... on someone else's computer, attempting to update you all. I'll start with the event that we did first, and as you scroll down you will get closer to current time. Hope that makes sense. But then again, I look back at my last post and realize, I am not as far behind as I thought, so just two videos... but the videos wont embed for some reason... so click the blue text to follow the link to the videos on Youtube.

Des Moines, IA
Tulsa, OK

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Recent life on the road

We have been to Nashville, traveled back to the great state of Texas (well... my personal opinion may or may not be reflected here, but EVERYONE from Texas calls it the great state... so take it as you please), did an event in San Antonio, and will soon be headed for the mid-west and my home state of Iowa. A lot has happened in the last couple of weeks, yet, it's so hard to find a way to sum it up simply. I have continued to see the Lord work in me and through me, and what a blessing that is. We've been able to connect with a couple of youth groups during mid week events, as well as stay in some great host homes that have taken to calling us family - which let me tell you, is a great source of relieving home-sickness.
Let's check out what the Lord did in Nashville, TN
What a blessing, that no matter how many events we do, hearing teens cry out "Capture my heart" never gets old. How great it was to have Rapture Ruckus back with us. Don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with any of the other bands, but sometimes, a band finds that special place in your heart... and Rapture Ruckus is there. We got to spend some time on Sunday after the event hanging out with them. It was a blast! Then... we were off to San Antonio.
So, let's check out what the Lord did there.

While we were in San Antonio, the January team had an event in Harvey, LA. I am so excited to know that they are finally out on the road with us. While we may not be in the same place, and many people see us as two separate teams; which, in some ways we are... we are the ministry team, as a whole, united with one mind and one purpose... to see this generation radically changed and encounter the Lord and His relentless pursuit of us. 
What freeing knowledge it is to know, regardless of our pursuit of the Lord, He is CONSTANTLY chasing after us, saying that He wants all of us. He wants ALL of us. and He wants all of US.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My Atlanta Video

On our way to Atlanta, we stopped at a park and the men did a cook out for us for Valentines Day.
Atlanta was technically a January team event, which means the August team (my team) was only there to shadow the January team and make sure they didn't need our help with anything... so I got to see the event from a slightly different perspective... Hope you enjoy.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Atlanta Highlights video

Take a look at what happened in Atlanta this weekend. My video will be up shortly... I'm working on it now.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Kansas City Acquire The Fire

Kansas City... everyone kept saying it would be a turning point. And in many ways it was. Maybe not in the ways I was expecting... maybe not in the ways anyone was expecting, but after this weekend, I know my life will never be the same. First, check out what the Lord did in attendee's lives, then I'll continue.

So Kansas City for me... now I'm sure anyone who's actually followed my posts is expecting a video... that is filled with pictures that are of the same stuff, just slightly different because it's a different venue. Well, this week... not so much. I could give excuses, or try to explain WHY I don't have pictures, but instead, I'll just go with what this weekend was like for me.
 This weekend could very easily be summed up by the word brokenness, but how faithful is the Lord that He didn't leave me in brokenness. In the midst of personal tragedy there are typically two things that can happen, you can get angry and blame the Lord, or you can run to Him and find rest. This weekend was both. First in brokenness and tragedy, I found myself wanting to yell at the Lord, to blame Him. In a lack of understanding I wanted a justice that I wasn't going to get. And sweetly and tenderly in the midst of it, the Lord was tender and loving. When I couldn't have my family around to comfort me, when my friends didn't understand, the Lord was there. Now, I'm not saying that I noticed right away, or that in the snap of the fingers I was better and not angry anymore, no quite the opposite, it was a process from Wednesday all the way to Saturday, and even now, I have to remind myself. On Friday night the transformation probably really began. While it may seem like a simple Facebook status... or even such few words... it was the deepest cry of my heart... and it went like this "Lord... You gave me a heart that loves, a heart that feels, and a heart that breaks... I place the pieces in Your hands and ask that you make them whole again." An that is what He did. From Friday night to Saturday night, every time of worship we had at ATF it was a choice for me, I could do my job, and have it be just another weekend... or I could surrender my emotions and hurt, and allow the Lord to work in my heart. ATF has been so much about the attendees for me, I wonder, how much I've missed opportunities for my own growth. This weekend, I was raw enough, I saw the opportunity for my own comfort. Did I want to worship in the midst of doing my job? No. Did I want to even worship at all? At first, no. Why would I want to worship when I wanted to be angry. The Lord gently reminded me... that it's not about me. Its not about if I want to worship, but it's about giving it all to Him because of who HE is. It's about placing Him on the throne because He's worthy to be there. And in that brokenness, comes true healing. Because in that brokenness, is when the Lord can take all the pieces and put them back together.
That is what this weekend was for me.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Richmond Highlights Video

Check out the latest highlight video of what God did in Richmond, VA this weekend.

Monday, January 21, 2013

My Houston Video

Got a chance to have a little different view point on Houston due to the location of video world. Got a couple of shots of the ministry moment, sorry they are dark though. I didn't want to disrupt with my flash.

Houston Highligts

Check out the highlight video from Houston! What a great event!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

On the road again

What a beautiful thing... to be on the road again that is. From the outside, it may seem strange to think you could miss living on a bus with 36 other people... but it's true.  It was great to be greeted by excited teammates after an extended break. Don't get me wrong, I loved being home, and I loved being at a beautiful wedding to help celebrate a beautiful journey of a beautiful friend, but there will always be that special place in my heart for my team, and being away from them... that special place feels a little less full.
So, we're on the road again, Houston. Not so far to travel... but far enough to feel like it's begun again. It's different too though. Changes have been made, there are things to adapt to, so while it is the continuation of a year long journey, it also feels like the start of a brand new journey.
A new journey as a team - to define who we will be in 2013. A new journey on my own - to define who I will be in 2013. While the Lord is continuing to work in my life, to grow me, and to work through me, much the same as 2012, He has also begun to reveal new things. Things that He wants to start fresh on. At times it may seem overwhelming to see how much I have grown, changed and been challenged in the short 16 days of 2013, but it is encouraging. Without change... without challenge... there is no growth... if I am not growing, how can I expect my sphere of influence to grow. I cannot expect to be able to impact more people if I am not allowing myself to be impacted by those growing above me.
While it would be easy to choose to continue, to be satisfied with where I am at...what would I profit, more importantly, what would the Lord profit? No, easy is disobedience in this case, so I will daily have to choose hard. And that's what it is... a daily choice. On a daily basis I can fail, on a daily basis I have to repent, and praise the Lord that on a daily basis He is faithful, sovereign, and gracious to me. He is patient and loving and allows me to learn and draws me back in rather than casting me away after a mistake.
That is the God I serve, the one I cling to. He is the one who will see me through being on the road again.