Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Kansas City Acquire The Fire

Kansas City... everyone kept saying it would be a turning point. And in many ways it was. Maybe not in the ways I was expecting... maybe not in the ways anyone was expecting, but after this weekend, I know my life will never be the same. First, check out what the Lord did in attendee's lives, then I'll continue.

So Kansas City for me... now I'm sure anyone who's actually followed my posts is expecting a video... that is filled with pictures that are of the same stuff, just slightly different because it's a different venue. Well, this week... not so much. I could give excuses, or try to explain WHY I don't have pictures, but instead, I'll just go with what this weekend was like for me.
 This weekend could very easily be summed up by the word brokenness, but how faithful is the Lord that He didn't leave me in brokenness. In the midst of personal tragedy there are typically two things that can happen, you can get angry and blame the Lord, or you can run to Him and find rest. This weekend was both. First in brokenness and tragedy, I found myself wanting to yell at the Lord, to blame Him. In a lack of understanding I wanted a justice that I wasn't going to get. And sweetly and tenderly in the midst of it, the Lord was tender and loving. When I couldn't have my family around to comfort me, when my friends didn't understand, the Lord was there. Now, I'm not saying that I noticed right away, or that in the snap of the fingers I was better and not angry anymore, no quite the opposite, it was a process from Wednesday all the way to Saturday, and even now, I have to remind myself. On Friday night the transformation probably really began. While it may seem like a simple Facebook status... or even such few words... it was the deepest cry of my heart... and it went like this "Lord... You gave me a heart that loves, a heart that feels, and a heart that breaks... I place the pieces in Your hands and ask that you make them whole again." An that is what He did. From Friday night to Saturday night, every time of worship we had at ATF it was a choice for me, I could do my job, and have it be just another weekend... or I could surrender my emotions and hurt, and allow the Lord to work in my heart. ATF has been so much about the attendees for me, I wonder, how much I've missed opportunities for my own growth. This weekend, I was raw enough, I saw the opportunity for my own comfort. Did I want to worship in the midst of doing my job? No. Did I want to even worship at all? At first, no. Why would I want to worship when I wanted to be angry. The Lord gently reminded me... that it's not about me. Its not about if I want to worship, but it's about giving it all to Him because of who HE is. It's about placing Him on the throne because He's worthy to be there. And in that brokenness, comes true healing. Because in that brokenness, is when the Lord can take all the pieces and put them back together.
That is what this weekend was for me.

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