Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Don't Say Good-bye

Another year has come to an end... one would think that after doing the "graduation thing" two times already it would be getting easier to watch people move on to the next stage of their lives. Easy to be excited for them... knowing they are walking into great things the Lord has planned. Whether it was the fact that I lived on a bus in such close quarters with these people... that this year the Lord taught me a new level of His love... several other reasons, or a combination of all of them... I must admit watching My team, my family, the people who I've done life with for the last year leave........... has been the hardest transition yet. I found myself grasping at every last moment I might have to share with them, regretting all the time I chose to not spend with them, and wishing, that just for one more day, that sad goodbyes could be prolonged....
But here I am, at the beginning of a new adventure, they've all gone on to their new adventures, some goodbyes avoided, but gone all the same. And while I find that a piece of me is "missing" in a way.... I know the Lord is faithful, and HE will fill whatever emptiness or longings I may have. My team.... will always be MY TEAM and no matter what, they will have a special place in my heart. I may not remain best friends with every single person, I may not ever talk to some of them on this earth again....... but man, to think about the party that will happen in heaven when we all get to get back together... some party that's going to be. To share in the triumphs of each others lives, and know if only for a moment, we were a part of those triumphs.

To my team... I miss you! May you never stop relentlessly pursuing the Lord as He is a lion chasing in a Relentless Pursuit after you. (Rachael - play the kitty)

1 comment:

  1. You are loved!

    I know we often ask ourselves when we part with those we have come to love, "Was this worth it?"

    It hurts to be separated, but I can see that you know the answer: It is worth every bit of hurt to be part of the triumphs in another's life.

    Thanks for the reminder. My prayers are with you and your team.

