Sunday, March 3, 2013

Recent life on the road

We have been to Nashville, traveled back to the great state of Texas (well... my personal opinion may or may not be reflected here, but EVERYONE from Texas calls it the great state... so take it as you please), did an event in San Antonio, and will soon be headed for the mid-west and my home state of Iowa. A lot has happened in the last couple of weeks, yet, it's so hard to find a way to sum it up simply. I have continued to see the Lord work in me and through me, and what a blessing that is. We've been able to connect with a couple of youth groups during mid week events, as well as stay in some great host homes that have taken to calling us family - which let me tell you, is a great source of relieving home-sickness.
Let's check out what the Lord did in Nashville, TN
What a blessing, that no matter how many events we do, hearing teens cry out "Capture my heart" never gets old. How great it was to have Rapture Ruckus back with us. Don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with any of the other bands, but sometimes, a band finds that special place in your heart... and Rapture Ruckus is there. We got to spend some time on Sunday after the event hanging out with them. It was a blast! Then... we were off to San Antonio.
So, let's check out what the Lord did there.

While we were in San Antonio, the January team had an event in Harvey, LA. I am so excited to know that they are finally out on the road with us. While we may not be in the same place, and many people see us as two separate teams; which, in some ways we are... we are the ministry team, as a whole, united with one mind and one purpose... to see this generation radically changed and encounter the Lord and His relentless pursuit of us. 
What freeing knowledge it is to know, regardless of our pursuit of the Lord, He is CONSTANTLY chasing after us, saying that He wants all of us. He wants ALL of us. and He wants all of US.

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